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March Deals
Eboo Packages of 3 come with 3 Lymphatic Drainage Massages, and 3 IV Hydration Infusions. Labwork required. Must use within 12 months.
Semaglutide and Tirzeptide monthly rates now include a complimentary Colonic and Rx.
Take an additional 10% off bodysculpting. (Cavitation/ Radio Frequency, EmShape,Wood Therapy). Must use within 12 months.
1 Hr Massage + 1 Hr Float
1 Hr Couples Massage
1 Hr Couples Float
6 NAD+ IM Injections
When you spread the word of wellness Detoxity provides, we take care of you.
Credits gifted for each new client recommended by you
$25 per new client
$50 per new EBOO Client