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The most fabulous feature of IV Nutrition and Hydration Infusions is the fact the your are absorbing 100 % of everything you are asking, and paying, for. Everything that is flowing into the blood stream, is going to support your cellular health.
Compared to the 20-30 % absorption rate of vitamins and supplements taken by mouth, if your gut health is on the closer side to perfect
The reality is, the majority of people have some absorption deficiency in their gut. Whether it is a chronic or autoimmune concern, history of some type of gastric surgery or compromise, poor diet, frequent or infrequent alcohol consuption, or any stress, past or present, your gut health is directly effected.
IV Nutrition and Hydration is the fastest way to over come fatigue, brain fog, and dehydration, amoung many other concerns.
IV Nutrtion and Hydration can be considered the bridge to wellness, a starting point and a commodity throughout your wellness journey
Once you have booked your session, you will complete your inital, then annual, Intake Form.
Prior to your custom session, Detoxity's Registered Nurse will review your information and prepare for your visit.
We are excited to supprt your healing and wellness journey.
After checking in, you are escorted into Detoxity's Drip Lounge. Your IV (intravenous) Hyration session is held in a private lounge, enhanced with redlight therapy, propritary essential oil diffuser, 2 recliners, and a TV with zen sound frequencies for relaxing and meditation, or your favorite show.
Once your IV is started, you and your nurse will discuss how you are feeling and what your goals are. Together, you will decide on what nutrient ingredients are best for you that day. With each appointment, your hydration formula can be different.
Vitamin infusions typically last between 35 to 45 mintues.
When your nutrient-dense hydration infusion is complete, you are ready to move on to your next spa service or ready to set off on the rest of your day.
Some indredients begin to take effect during the session and some fully absorb into your tissues about 1 hour after the session is over.
Vitamins and minerals can last in the body between 5-10 days. Antioxidents and amino acids last between 2-5 days
Your next IV Nutrition and Hydration sessions are recommened to be scheduled witin 2 weeks. Maintaining a frequency of once a month, as well as once a week, is common.
When working with Detoxity's Registered Nurse, a frequency best fit for you can be disscussed and adjusted based on your individual goals and results
IV Hydration
Maximize your IV Hydration sessions with the ultimate savings approach. Purchase a series of IV Hydration Infusion sessions in quantities of six or more sessions for a discounted price.
Price Matching AVAILABLE for IV Drip Infusions (excluding discount websites).
IV Hydration and Nutrition
Get fast relief for an active illness. The Reboot comes with B vitamins to support your brain function, minerals, and nauesa medication
Healing goes where the blood flows. Get the most out of a simple hydration formla with the essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids for reducing brain fog, lean muscle repair and enhancing blood flow.
Take a load off and refuel. The Replenish and Prep formula is often selected by those after a long work week or work out. Release muscle tension and combat fatigue with this feel good formula
Fortify your immune system withincreased dose of Vitamin C, B vitamins, and zic. Ideal when you are feeling an illness coming or have been traveling
All components of this formula are geared toward wound healing and collagen production. Support your body natural healing coapibilites. Ideal before or after surgery or when combatting slow healing wounds
Targeting liver detox and blood flow, this formula includes glutathion and Vitamin C, which is know to enahce the effectivness of glutathione
Double up on your detox and your glutathione. The High G formaula contains the most glutathione avalible and aids in liver detox and blood flow. The High G formaula is ideal for those who are activley working on a system detox and colon hydrotherapy. Glutathione supports tissue, wound, and skin healing, immune system support and protein builidng
The Detox Formula is designed to aid in the elimination of toxins, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. An experience of fatigue may indicate an accumulation of toxins that have built up inside the body. This drip specifically targets the liver, which plays a vital role in detoxification. By using the Detox Drip, you are supporting the removal of toxins and promote optimal liver function, improving overall health and vitality.
Release toxins and supply your body with essential nutrients all at one time. Combined with Detoxity's unqiue doses of Vitamin C, B Vitamins, Magnesium, Amino Acids, and Glutathione. You will feel replenished and rejuvinated all while detoxing your liver
Take a load off and refuel. The Replenish and Prep formula is often selected by those after a long work week or work out. Release muscle tension and combat fatigue with this feel good formula
Elevate your intimate moments with the Passion Drip. This powerful formula enhances metabolism, mood, boosts endurance, and reignites passion. Packed with essential vitamins and amino acids like arginine, it relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow, amplifying your love life. Experience heightened pleasure and invigorate your energy. Support yout muscle function for any exercise
The perfect pregame experience. Boost your energy, brain function, and blood flow for your upcoming event, what ever that may be. Our vitality formula is full of b vitamins and amino acids to suport all of your adventures
Get the boost you need for maximum performance. Hone in your project or optimize performance for your next presentation by supporting brain function and enahncing your energy
You work hard enough, now it is time to care for yourself. Our Optimizer formula covers all the bases. It is the for the busy body and the CEO. Support your liver health, brain function, muscles, and induce calmness. Get a boost of energy now and sustained energy for the week and optimze your health
Feeling run down? Rehydrate with an entire liter of fluid and electrolyes. Classic Hydration is the base for all our formulas and essential to wellness and cellular function
Regain the core essential vitamins and minerals needed. This formaula is aimed for cellular health, quality sleep, and improved brain function
Replenish and relax with a combination aimed to restore. Reduce anxiety and muscle tension while loading up on a B vitamins and Trace Minerals and Magnesium. Commonly infused for those with known gut health issues, gastic surgeries, or with muscle cramping and a lesser intake of fruits and vegetables
Reduce fatugue, muscle tension and pain with Magnesium, Toradol (realted to Ibuprofen as an NSAID). Often infused after a long work week or long adventure.
This formula is loaded with Vitamain C. Vitamin C helps with collagen production, wound healing, and is immune boosting. Call for dosing details
Starting at $180
Enhance your healing capabilities with the core group of minerals and vitamins needed to support cellular metabolism, immune support, and wound healing. Includes Vitamin C, 6 B Vitamins, and Magnesium. Most often infused before or after travel, surgery, or monthly as health maintenance
This drip focuses on hydrating the skin while boosting collagen production, reducing fine lines and wrinkles while enhancing an overall radiant glow of the skin. Revitalize your mind and body with metabolizing and collagen proucing B vitamins, Vitamin C, and Bitoin. Look and feel good.
With all the love our Glow Up gives. Glimmer has added Glutathione, a well known amino acid that supports liver detox and increases liver blood flow and produces a sheer finish to your skin because of its collagen produceing activites.
Maximize your skin care routine with this ultimate Glamour combination of the previuolsy mentioned ingredients and zinc. Not only does Zinc support the immune system but also help with collagen production
All components of this formula are geared toward wound healing and collagen production. Support your body natural healing coapibilites. Ideal before or after surgery or when combatting slow healing wounds
Vitamin C
Lipo Injections
B Vitamin Complex
Amino Blend
Mineral Blend
Member's Add-Ons are $20 each, after their complementary monthly Add-On or IM Injection
All Patrons receive Add-Ons for $25 each, then 4 for $80